
As discussed before an application might need many pipelines.

Linuxviewer allows the user to create pipelines in the background with “pipeline factories”. Each factory uses one or more “pipeline characteristics”, classes that describe a particular pipeline characteristic. By combining the characteristics as building blocks to build pipeline factories it is possible to make use of code re-use.

Our ‘Hello Triangle’ application has a single pipeline, and thus a single pipeline factory that creates it, which uses a single characteristic TrianglePipelineCharacteristic that describes the whole pipeline.

#pragma once

#include "Window.h"
#include <vulkan/pipeline/Characteristic.h>
#include <vulkan/pipeline/AddVertexShader.h>
#include <vulkan/pipeline/AddFragmentShader.h>
#include "debug.h"

class TrianglePipelineCharacteristic :
    public vulkan::pipeline::Characteristic,
    public vulkan::pipeline::AddVertexShader,
    public vulkan::pipeline::AddFragmentShader

This TrianglePipelineCharacteristic is a “pipeline characteristics” and therefore derived from vulkan::pipeline::Characteristic. Furthermore, our pipeline needs a vertex shader and a fragment shader; therefore we also derive from vulkan::pipeline::AddVertexShader and vulkan::pipeline::AddFragmentShader respectively.

Note that a single pipeline characteristic doesn’t necessarily need to describe all stages, or even a single stage, of the pipeline. For example, we could have used three Characteristics; one that describes the vertex shader, another that describes the fragment shader and one describing things not related to any shader.

  std::vector<vk::DynamicState> m_dynamic_states = {

As described before some state that normally is part of a pipeline can also be configured dynamically; every frame. The downside is that that takes a few clock cycles extra per frame, but on the other hand it can mean that we need considerably less different pipelines.

This vector lists the state that we want to be dynamic; that we commit to writing every frame into the command buffer that describes how to render the next frame.

It is pretty common to make the viewport and scissors dynamic. We added them here to show how this is done, even though in this application we won’t change their values between frames.

  std::vector<vk::PipelineColorBlendAttachmentState> m_pipeline_color_blend_attachment_states = {

A lot of pipeline state that will be baked into the VkPipeline is transfered using a std::vector to a vulkan::FlatCreateInfo object. Even if we only need a single element.

The pipeline state that tells a pipeline how to blend color attachments is a required state, even though we are using a default for it here. Alternatively, one can push_back elements onto the vector in the initialize() member function (see below).

  TrianglePipelineCharacteristic(vulkan::task::SynchronousWindow const* owning_window COMMA_CWDEBUG_ONLY(bool debug)) :
    vulkan::pipeline::Characteristic(owning_window COMMA_CWDEBUG_ONLY(debug))
    // Required when we don't have vertex buffers.
    m_use_vertex_buffers = false;

Since we’re not using any vertex buffers— the coordinates of the triangle’s corners are hardcoded in its vertex shader as is the tradition for a HelloTriangle application— we need to implement the constructor, passing its arguments to the base class, so that we can set the base class variable m_use_vertex_buffers to false.


If we don’t do this we’d run into an ASSERT,

ThreadPool02    COREDUMP      : |   /.../pipeline/AddVertexShader.cxx:38: virtual void vulkan::pipeline::AddVertexShader::copy_shader_variables(): Assertion 'm_current_vertex_buffers_object' failed.

with a comment that reads

// Call AddVertexShader::add_vertex_input_bindings with a vulkan::VertexBuffers
// object from the initialization state of the Characteristic responsible for
// the vertex shader. If you are not using any VertexBuffers, then set
// m_use_vertex_buffers to false in the constructor of the pipeline factory
// characteristic derived from this class.

which hopefully speaks for itself (how to add a vertex buffer will be handled later on).

Whenever you run into an assert make sure to look at the comment above it in the code!

Setting this boolean to false prevents AddVertexShader to register its baked in m_vertex_input_binding_descriptions and m_vertex_input_attribute_descriptions vectors with the FlatCreateInfo. Baked in because normally everyone will use vertex buffers— except when you are doing the Hello Triangle thing.

Whenever you register a vector with the FlatCreateInfo you are required to fill it with data: if no data is needed, don’t register it. This is done to easily detect when someone forgot to fill a vector with data.

  void initialize() final
    Window const* window = static_cast<Window const*>(m_owning_window);

If a pipeline characteristic is derived from vulkan::Characteristic, as opposed to from vulkan::CharacteristicRange, then initialize() is the only virtual function that needs to be overridden: all initialization can, and is, done in a single function.

Typically the Characteristic will need configuration that is defined in the Window class that will use the pipeline(s) created with this Characteristic. Therefore we obtain a pointer to the window object.


This means that there is a one-on-one relationship between a Window and a pipeline characteristic. Typically you should therefore define the Characteristic as a nested class of the Window class.

That way a Characteristic automatically becomes a friend of the Window and will be able to access its private members through the above window pointer.

If you need a certain Characteristic for multiple Windows then you should make a WindowBase class that contains the Characteristic and all members that that needs access to, and then use that base class for the different Window types that need pipelines with that characteristic.

Next, we register all pipeline state that this Characteristic will provide. This doesn’t need to be all state of the pipeline, as this just one characteristic of a pipeline; but in the case of the HelloTriangle application we only have a single characteristic, so this initialize function is going to provide all state.

    // Register the vectors that we will fill.

In this case these two vectors were already initialized (see above), but that is not required. Here we merely state that we will fill these vectors with create info that is required to create a pipeline. The vectors can also be filled afterwards. Keep in mind that if we leave a vector empty after adding them to the FlatCreateInfo like this, then the engine will assert, assuming you forgot to fill it.


The following vector types can be registered with the FlatCreateInfo using add_to_flat_create_info:

  • std::vector<vk::DynamicState> Up to 86 different things can be marked as “dynamic state”, enumerated by the values of vk::DynamicState (VkDynamicState ). In our case we only used vk::DynamicState::eViewport and vk::DynamicState::eScissor, see m_dynamic_states above.

  • std::vector<vk::PipelineColorBlendAttachmentState> This mandatory pipeline state specifies how to blend color attachments. See the documentation of vk::PipelineColorBlendAttachmentState (VkPipelineColorBlendAttachmentState ) for a description. In our case we just used the default defined in vk_defaults, see m_pipeline_color_blend_attachment_states above.

  • std::vector<vk::VertexInputBindingDescription> This is already taken care of by deriving from vulkan::AddVertexShader.

  • std::vector<vk::VertexInputAttributeDescription> This is already taken care of by deriving from vulkan::AddVertexShader.

  • std::vector<vk::PipelineShaderStageCreateInfo> This is already taken care of by vulkan::AddShaderStage, a virtual base class of vulkan::AddVertexShader and vulkan::AddFragmentShader.

  • std::vector<vulkan::PushConstantRange> This can be used to specify which stages will use what part of the push constant block. Although linuxviewer supports push constants (derive the pipeline characteristic from vulkan::AddPushConstant), there is no automated support for this yet. It seems likely that automation should be added in the future though.

If m_dynamic_states and/or m_pipeline_color_blend_attachment_states would still have been empty then this point would have been the appropriate place to fill them. For example, by doing



    // Add default topology.
    m_flat_create_info->m_pipeline_input_assembly_state_create_info.topology = vk::PrimitiveTopology::eTriangleList;

Certain members of the FlatCreateInfo are public and can be changed directly (but should, for any given pipeline factory, only be changed from a single Characteristic). Above we change the topology member of the public vk::PipelineInputAssemblyStateCreateInfo (VkPipelineInputAssemblyStateCreateInfo ) member from its default of vk::PrimitiveTopology::eLineList to eTriangleList. After all, we want to draw a filled, colorful triangle, not show three lines.


The following non-vector types of FlatCreateInfo can be accessed directly:

  • vk::PipelineInputAssemblyStateCreateInfo m_pipeline_input_assembly_state_create_info influences the configuration of the input assembly stage, determining how vertex data is assembled into primitives such as points, lines, or triangles. See the Vulkan API documentation of VkPipelineInputAssemblyStateCreateInfo for details. The default is to draw lines.

  • vk::PipelineViewportStateCreateInfo m_viewport_state_create_info influences the configuration of the viewport and scissor test stages, defining the transformation of vertex positions to screen-space coordinates and specifying the rectangular region for scissor testing. See the Vulkan API documentation of VkPipelineViewportStateCreateInfo for details.

  • vk::PipelineRasterizationStateCreateInfo m_rasterization_state_create_info influences the configuration of the rasterization stage, determining how primitives are converted into fragments, as well as controlling polygon modes, line width, and culling operations. See the Vulkan API documentation of VkPipelineRasterizationStateCreateInfo for details.

  • vk::PipelineMultisampleStateCreateInfo m_multisample_state_create_info influences the configuration of the multisampling stage, determining the multisampling parameters such as sample count, sample shading, and alpha-to-coverage settings for anti-aliasing and smoother rendering. See the Vulkan API documentation of VkPipelineMultisampleStateCreateInfo for details.

  • vk::PipelineDepthStencilStateCreateInfo m_depth_stencil_state_create_info influences the configuration of the depth and stencil test stages, specifying the depth and stencil test operations, comparison functions, and writing masks for enhanced control over depth and stencil buffer interactions. See the Vulkan API documentation of VkPipelineDepthStencilStateCreateInfo for details.

  • vk::PipelineColorBlendStateCreateInfo m_color_blend_state_create_info influences the configuration of the color blending stage, determining how the output color from the fragment shader is combined with the existing framebuffer color, and setting up blend operations, factors, and write masks for multiple render targets. See the Vulkan API documentation of VkPipelineColorBlendStateCreateInfo for details.

    // Register the two shaders that we use.

All shaders that are used by this pipeline must be added with a call to add_shader. M_shader_vert and m_shader_frag, with type ShaderIndex, are registered in Window::register_shader_templates.

#ifdef CWDEBUG
  // Implement pure virtual function from the base class that allows us to write this class as debug output.
  void print_on(std::ostream& os) const override
    // Just print the type, not any contents.
    os << "{ (FragmentPipelineCharacteristicRange*)" << this << " }";

This causes the debug output that attempts to print this Characteristic to show the most derived type FragmentPipelineCharacteristicRange and the value of the this pointer. The detailed content of the object seems less important in this case.


All debug output is written to an ostream, allowing easy printing of any (user) type. However, without the use of custom ostream manipulators (for example as provided by iomanip.h of the utils git submodule), the format in which objects are printed is fixed. This more or less limits the use of writing object (to an ostream) to only a single purpose.

We have chosen this purpose to be debug output; all aicxx code, and the linuxviewer Vulkan engine itself consider anything that is written to an ostream to be debug output; the format for printing objects to a std::ostream is therefore exclusively aimed at debugging.

Apart from the limitation of a more or less fixed format, C++ has another perceived limitation in handling ostream output, as the implementation of the operator<< for custom classes must be done as a non-member function, which goes against the OO paradigm.

This is why aicxx-based code relies on the principle that all debug output for any object must be implemented using the member function void print_on(std::ostream& os) const.

To make this work one has to include the header <utils/has_print_on.h> which contains the ostream operator<< that will be used. This header is already included by "debug.h" of the main project. The only extra requirement is that, if the class that has the print_on member function resides in a namespace, then inside that same namespace one must add using utils::has_print_on::operator<<; (see also the EXAMPLE_CODE in has_print_on.h).