A namespace for all chess related objects that are not related to the GUI.
Color opposite(void) const
Return a Color object with the opposite color of this object.
ColorData const white
A constant representing the color white.
void toggle(void)
Change the color from black to white or vica versa.
Color & operator=(Color const& color)
Assign from another Color object.
Construct an uninitialized Color object.
uint8_t index(void) const
Return a number that can be used as array index.
BitBoardData const c1
The square c1.
Color(ColorData color)
Construct a Color object from a constant.
uint8_t operator()(void) const
Return the underlaying integral value.
The POD base type of class Color.
uint8_t const white_bits
The underlaying integral value of color& #39;white'.
bool is_white(void) const
Return TRUE if this color is white.
Color & operator=(ColorData color)
Assign from a constant.
A chess piece type including color.
uint8_t const black_bits
The underlaying integral value of color& #39;black'.
uint8_t forward_index_offset(void) const
Return the index offset that advances one square in the direction of the pawns of this color...
uint8_t const color_mask
A mask for the bits used for the color of a piece.
A color (black or white).
uint8_t M_bits
0000C000, where C=0 means black and C=1 means white.
Color(Color const& color)
bool is_black(void) const
Return TRUE if this color is black.
BitBoardData const c2
The square c2.
ColorData const black
A constant representing the color black.