▼Ncwchess | A namespace for all chess related objects that are not related to the GUI |
▼Npgn | |
▼Ngrammar | |
▼CPgnGrammar | |
Cdefinition | |
CDatabase | |
CDatabaseSeekable | |
CEndOfFileReached | |
CGame | |
CParseError | |
CScanner | A class used to read input from a PGN database |
CScannerData | Variable data of a Scanner |
CArrayCode | |
CArrayColor | |
CArrayIndex | |
CBitBoard | A one-boolean-per-square chessboard |
CBitBoardData | The POD base type of class BitBoard |
CCastleFlags | A class to keep track of castling rights |
CChessGame | |
CChessNotation | A helper class to write other objects to an ostream |
CChessPosition | A chess position |
CCode | A chess piece type including color |
CCodeData | The POD base type of class Code |
CColor | A color (black or white) |
CColorData | The POD base type of class Color |
CCountBoard | |
CDirection | |
CEnPassant | An object representing en passant information |
CFlags | Flags representing the state of a piece on the chessboard |
CFlagsData | The POD base type of class Flags |
CGameNode | |
CIndex | The index of a chess square |
CIndexData | The POD base type of class Index |
CMetaData | |
CMove | A chess move in a particular chess position |
CMoveIterator | Non-mutable iterator over all moves of a given chess piece |
CPiece | A particular piece on the board |
CPieceIterator | Non-mutable iterator over selective chess pieces in a chess position |
CPromotion | |
CType | A chess piece type |
CTypeData | The POD base type of class Type |
▼Ncwmm | A namespace for all gtkmm related objects |
CChessboardWidget | A gtkmm chessboard widget |
CChessPositionWidget | A chessboard widget that is synchronized with a ChessPosition |
CCwChessboardPtr | |
▼Ntest | |
CChessPosition | |
▼Nutil | |
CReferenceable | |
C_Arrow | |
C_CairoColor | |
C_CwChessboardPrivate | |
C_FloatingPiece | |
C_SquareCache | |
CCwChessboard | A GTK+ chessboard widget |
CCwChessboardClass | The Class structure of CwChessboard |
CDirection | |
CGtkTest | |
CMyChessboardWidget | |
CPiece | |
Crgb_t |