146 explicit Type(uint8_t bits) {
M_bits = bits; }
A namespace for all chess related objects that are not related to the GUI.
TypeData const bishop
A constant representing a bishop.
TypeData const queen
A constant representing a queen.
TypeData const rook
A constant representing a rook.
TypeData const pawn
A constant representing a pawn.
TypeData const king
A constant representing a king.
uint8_t const bishop_bits
The underlaying integral value of type& #39;bishop'.
uint8_t M_bits
00000STT, where STT is the type. If S == 1 then the piece is a slider.
uint8_t operator()(void) const
Return the underlaying integral value.
Type & operator=(TypeData type)
Assign from a constant.
Type(Type const& type)
bool is_a_slider(void) const
Returns TRUE if the type is a bishop, rook or queen.
uint8_t const king_bits
The underlaying integral value of type& #39;king'.
TypeData const knight
A constant representing a knight.
bool is_a_bishopmover(void) const
Returns TRUE if the type is a bishop or queen.
Type & operator=(Type const& type)
Assign from another Type.
A chess piece type including color.
This file contains the declaration of class Color.
TypeData const nothing
A constant representing the absence of a piece.
Construct an uninitialized Type.
uint8_t const type_mask
A mask for the bits used for the type of a piece.
uint8_t const knight_bits
The underlaying integral value of type& #39;knight'.
Type(TypeData type)
Construct a Type from a constant.
The POD base type of class Type.
uint8_t const queen_bits
The underlaying integral value of type& #39;queen'.
bool is_a_rookmover(void) const
Returns TRUE if the type is a rook or queen.
uint8_t const nothing_bits
The underlaying integral value of type& #39;nothing'.
uint8_t const pawn_bits
The underlaying integral value of type& #39;pawn'.
uint8_t const rook_bits
The underlaying integral value of type& #39;rook'.