ircproxy  The Ultimate Cyborg

PersistXML Member List

This is the complete list of members for PersistXML, including all inherited members.

load enum valuePersistXML
M_archivePersistXML [protected]
M_archivenamePersistXML [protected]
M_curPersistXML [protected]
M_docPersistXML [protected]
M_indentPersistXML [protected]
M_openmodePersistXML [protected]
M_parent_nodesPersistXML [protected]
not_open enum valuePersistXML
open(std::string filename, openmode_type mode)PersistXML
openmode(void) const PersistXML [inline]
openmode_type enum namePersistXML
operator<<(std::ostream &os, openmode_type openmode)PersistXML [friend]
parse_archive(void)PersistXML [private]
read_data(std::stringstream &ss, T &builtin)PersistXML [inline, private]
read_data(std::stringstream &ss, std::string &s)PersistXML [inline]
serialize(std::string const &label, T &object)PersistXML [inline]
serialize(std::string const &label, boost::shared_ptr< T > &ptr)PersistXML [inline]
serialize(std::string const &label, std::vector< T > &vec)PersistXML [inline]
serialize(std::string const &label, std::list< T > &list)PersistXML [inline]
serialize(std::string const &label, std::map< KEY, INFO, COMPARE > &map)PersistXML [inline]
serialize(std::string const &label, boost::optional< T > &opt)PersistXML [inline]
serialize_builtin(std::string const &label, T &builtin)PersistXML [inline]
store enum valuePersistXML
write_escaped(T const &builtin)PersistXML [inline, private]
write_escaped(char const &c)PersistXML [inline]
write_escaped(std::string const &builtin)PersistXML [inline]
write_escaped(unsigned char const &c)PersistXML [inline]

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